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How to Know When Your Content Is Successfully Marketing Your Brand

It’s a consumer’s world out there, and it’s forcing marketers to change their tactics. Back in the golden age of marketing, you could just develop a solid campaign, stick it in front of everyone during their favorite show, and know that you would get some results. Now, consumers want to choose their content. Mobile makes it possible to skip ads, click past them, or in other ways choose which ads they pay attention to and which ones they ignore. Now you have to give the consumer what they want.

Enter the Age of Content Marketing

You can’t just churn out the same old campaigns anymore. You have to produce the sort of content that your target audience wants. That’s a little tougher to nail down than just figuring out which TV show to air your commercial during. Now you need to think about various devices and platforms, as well as content tones, ranging from educational to storytelling. As in all aspects of life, the best way to track progress is to set goals. Let’s take a look at some of the milestones you can attempt to attain while marketing through content.

Branding Through Content

While the end game of content is obviously to increase your revenues, branding is a vital part of what good marketing content accomplishes. Content is a great way to make people aware of your brand for the first time, to shape brand perception, and to maintain consumer engagement between sales.

Developing a Community

One thing that all great brands do well is create a community environment for their customers (think Starbucks or Apple). Content is how you create such an environment and develop a dialogue, not just between your brand and consumers, but also between your customers. One of the big keys in a world that is dominated by social media is to develop shareable content and to make it easy for viewers to share your content across various social media platforms.

Methods of Amplifying Your Content

There are many different ways to amplify the content that you have created. Try several to see which works best for your brand.

For example, link-building is a classic way to get more traffic to your site. How do you do it? Get links from other sites to your own. The more reputable the site, the more likely the link is to improve your rank on Google. Plus, you may get some extra traffic via the link.

You can also pay for ads on social media. It’s nice to have fans and followers share and repost your content, but paying to have it be promoted or featured will guarantee you more visibility.

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